How Affiliate Shrills Trick Online Entrepreneurs Into Paying Them Boatloads of Money

Over the years, I’ve very closely been watching the increase of affiliate marketing on the Internet. I see some things that are quite obvious to my trained eye, but they are also quite bothersome, because many of these startup entrepreneurs are breaking the law in their marketing tactics. Because they are so small no one seems to be doing anything about it, but I am upset because consumers are being ripped off.
Many of these online marketers are young people, or unemployed people who really need the money, and they may go on later to start larger businesses, or even companies in the real world. Unfortunately, they are learning some really bad habits right now, worse, they think it is acceptable because everyone else is doing it. But, “Everyone else is doing it, is no reason to engage in less-than-ethical sales tactics or even violate advertising laws,” and to use that excuse is pretty poor.
I mean what did you mom tell you when you gave that excuse as a child “but, Mommy, everyone else is doing it, why can’t I?” And what did your Mom say; “I don’t care what everyone else is doing, you aren’t going to do that. If everyone was jumping off a bridge would you jump too?”
The other day, I noted an individual who was nothing more than a shrill for popular online marketing guru, who get this, helps other people supposedly become online marketing gurus by teaching them all their sales tactics. Turns out they are in cahoots running some sort of scam. The individual working with the guru runs around the internet talking him up creating “buzz” and thus, hoping to hook newbie internet start-up entrepreneurs and sell them on a “no-lose marketing plan that can make millions!” How many times have you heard that nonsense?
Indeed, I believe the FTC should investigate them both. The individual is all over the internet promoting this guru, who claims all sorts of things, all sorts of unaudited or proven earnings as an example of success. There can only be one reason, trickery, and shrill tactics. This is really unfortunate.